Every Life Science Research company carries out significant of research activity as part of drug improvement and drug inventions.
As part of this the scientist carry out massive amount of mathematical computation as part of Genomics/Bio-Informatics and Molecular Dynamics using a most commonly application for eg: – Gromacs. In such computations, floating point shortcomings can also cause problems with data analysis and machine learning, as they can lead to errors in the calculations used to process and analyze data. This can affect the reliability and accuracy of results, potentially leading to incorrect conclusions or decisions being made.
To address these shortcomings, scientists in the life sciences industry may need to use higher precision arithmetic or apply techniques such as compensation or error analysis to correct for errors that do occur. They may also need to consider the use of alternative numerical representation systems, such as fixed point or integer arithmetic, which can be more accurate but may also have their own challenges and limitations.
One unique aspect of the life sciences industry is the potential for floating point errors to affect patient care. For example, errors in calculations related to drug dosing or medical equipment could lead to incorrect treatment being administered to a patient, potentially leading to harm. This highlights the importance of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of calculations in the life sciences industry.
Our POSIT number system is eliminating these shortcomings.