Industrial IOT

The computing needs for a traditional floating point system in an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) application will depend on the specific requirements and characteristics of the application. In general, the use of a floating point system may require more computing resources than other number systems, due to the additional processing needed to represent and manipulate numbers in the floating point format.

Some specific use cases of how the computing needs of a traditional floating point system might be higher in an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) application

Complex data sets

If the data being processed by an IIoT application is complex, with a large number of variables and a high degree of variability, the computing needs may be higher in order to accurately represent and manipulate the data using a floating point system.

High precision requirements

If the IIoT application requires a high level of precision in its calculations, the computing needs may be higher in order to ensure that the floating point system is able to represent and manipulate the numbers with sufficient precision.

Large volume of data

If the IIoT application is processing a large volume of data, the computing needs may be higher in order to handle the additional processing required to represent and manipulate the data using a floating point system.

Limited hardware resources

If the IIoT application is running on hardware with limited processing power or memory, the computing needs may be higher in order to accommodate the additional processing required by a floating point system.

Our POSIT number system is capable of handling all the above issues mentioned.